Friday, October 15, 2010

Annoted Ad

Reynolds, Ryan. " Almost Famous." Gentlemen Quaterley. (Oct. 2010):212-213. Print.

         This article is promoting hegemonic masuclinity. The male is showing agression which leads to his dominance. According to he article Renner is a drinker( page 213). In addtion he played a role of a badass in the movie `The Hurt Locker`(page 213).
         This source is very useful because it comes with a advertisment that gives me an idea of what is being said. The article is very straight to the point where it tells the reader the type of masculinity that is being said.
         This fits to my research beacause i believe that men are naturally agressive and dominate.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dolce & Gabbana Ad Outline Paper #1

Thesis - Men Should Be A Gentleman.

 Supporting Idea - Tuxedo Shows Masculinity.. - a man should be professional and it shows his character and gives off the idea of his wealth.

 Supporting Idea - A Man Is Well Groomed.. (clean cut, respect for himself, manly)

 Supporting Idea - The Fragrance/Text Is Targeted for Men..(it's cologne not perfume, text says gentle men
                             not woman).

 Conclusion -  restate the thesis, wrap up thoughts and end with a concluding sentence.

Dolce & Gabbana

Qoute #1

According to the reading, by Bordo, " men are not suppose to enjoy being surveyed period," it says that it's feminine to want to be on the spot light. To be stand still and have all attention drawn to. Men are supposed to be on the go and on the move. I have mixed feelings about that conclusion. In my ad a man is in a stand still position and is looking directly into the camera. He looks like if he's enjoying the moment of getting ready to where he's going to go. He's caught in the act. Also, the fragrance in the ad is meant for him to smell good, therefore i believe that he's attending something to impress someone. Although, he isn't physically moving, his attire sort of gives me an idea that he's heading somewhere.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Male Privilege Checklist

#22. If I'm careless with my driving it won't be attributed to my sex.
I don't agree with this statement. Men can crash just as much as women. Today, we all have distractions such as, I-Pod's, cell phones, children in the back seat, etc. Also, a man could look outside his car and see a attractive women. 
       Today's stereotype isn't so much of gender, but of race. Some say that people of the Asian culture cannot drive behind the wheel because they cannot see. Although, Asians give us reason to believe it, it isn't necessary true. Some also say that cab driver's usually Indian men, like to drive fast and cause accidents. Doesn't that boost up the male rate?! There are thousands of cab drivers in NYC.