Friday, October 15, 2010

Annoted Ad

Reynolds, Ryan. " Almost Famous." Gentlemen Quaterley. (Oct. 2010):212-213. Print.

         This article is promoting hegemonic masuclinity. The male is showing agression which leads to his dominance. According to he article Renner is a drinker( page 213). In addtion he played a role of a badass in the movie `The Hurt Locker`(page 213).
         This source is very useful because it comes with a advertisment that gives me an idea of what is being said. The article is very straight to the point where it tells the reader the type of masculinity that is being said.
         This fits to my research beacause i believe that men are naturally agressive and dominate.

1 comment:

  1. While this may be an interesting article, it does not meet the criteria for this assignment. This project requires that your review a year's worth of issues of a men's magazine. You cannot do so with 2010 as they year will not be over until after the semester is done. Your documentation, if you choose to work with GQ, needs some information that is missing from the above entry. Also, your write up needs to be developed and proofread. Last but not least, you need a preliminary thesis, which you cannot compose if you did not do your research and have not found four primary sources.
